Dr. Laurene Simms
Laurene E. Simms is Chief Bilingual Officer at Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C. After graduating from the Indiana School for the Deaf, Indianapolis, Indiana, she received a B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, and an M.Ed. in Deaf Education from Western Maryland College, Westminster, Maryland. She received a Ph.D. Degree in Language, Reading, and Culture from the University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. She has been a Professor in the Department of Education at Gallaudet University for twenty years.
Friday 21st July
Building a Brave Space Together
JSAC 1011
Abstract: This workshop will address different ways of recognizing the human element of dialogues with the goal of reconciliation through sharing stories and resolving conflicts. Through healing discussions, participants will explore the roles of allies and how they can create a brave space and reduce harm among themselves.