Kyle Amber Clark
Kyle Amber Clark is a community capacity builder and inclusion strategist with over 10 years of experience in the work of transformative justice to challenge the status quo. She applies liberatory practices that aim to empower and liberate individuals and communities from oppression, domination, and injustice. She advocates for a culture of belonging in programs and organizations. In this presentation, she will share her insights on the essence of formulating liberatory practices by creating spaces that foster a culture of belonging, healing and transformation for personal and social change.
Saturday 22nd July
Culture of Belonging: How Do We Find Solace In Sharing Our Stories?
JSAC 1011
Abstract: Creating spaces for Black and Brown deaf folx is much needed for sharing experiences and supporting each other. Amplify ourselves by sharing our stories and celebrating our successes. In this presentation, the goal is to show by example how creating a space for belonging has positive outcomes on overall health while navigating in predominantly white spaces. People of color need their own spaces where they can simply be -